Better hearing and a better quality of life can be yours for many years with the help of the right hearing professional.

At Amplisound Hearing Care Centers, we pride ourselves on developing long-term relationships with our clients. Relationships based on unsurpassed personal service that begins the first time you walk through our doors and continues long after your initial appointment.

Meet the Team

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Ralph Campagna, BC-HIS

Owner, President, CT Licensed, Board Certified Hearing Instrument Specialist

Over 35 years of experience in hearing health and a passion for what he does equates to a successful and enjoyable journey to better hearing for you!

With experience in client care, hearing aid design and manufacturing, hearing aid repair, hearing aid programming, software development and international customer service, Ralph has extensive knowledge of hearing aids. He and his team are able to create solutions for every individual’s hearing needs. Ralph is the co-inventor of the ‘Receiver in The Canal’ technology that is in most hearing aids worldwide.

“I’ve been fortunate to say that I’ve never had a ‘job’, as my profession has been my passion. I get such great joy helping someone hear, and developing and maintaining lifelong relationships with the people I get to serve.”

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Jim Verge, BC-HIS

CT Licensed, Board Certified Hearing Instrument Specialist

In his nearly 30+ year career, Jim has learned all aspects of the hearing aid profession.

The many job functions Jim has performed while working for Amplisound include hearing aid service and repair, new hearing aid production and assembly, customer service, technical support, product development, software development, research and development. This extensive experience gives Jim unique insight into all aspects of hearing health care and demonstrates his dedication to the profession — and the joy he gets from serving the hearing impaired.

“As part of the Amplisound family, I enjoy working with people who are dedicated to the hearing success of the people we serve every day. We work hard to stay on top of our craft!”

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Kim Cyrus

Vice President

Kim has brought her kind smile and friendly spirit to thousands of people in her 30+ years working in the hearing industry.

Her numerous talents have been realized in accounting, secretarial skills, graphics and marketing design, production, business development and management, all while serving the retail community at her office manager reception position at Amplisound.

Dr. Stephanie Rand, Au.D. CCC-A


Stephanie comes to Amplisound with experience providing care in outpatient clinics, private practice, and skilled nursing home facilities.

She is a graduate of the University of Connecticut’s Doctorate of Audiology program and is a Connecticut native. Stephanie chose the field of audiology after needing audiologic care from a young age. Stephanie is passionate about working with people and curating an individualized experience for every patient.

“Amplisound is truly a family. We all find joy in the successes of our clients. It’s a pleasure to work with wonderful staff and clients everyday.”